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Korean Cussing

Nukes... the only way to "respect"?

By Daryl Cagle

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Welcome to this club.

As far as we know we are the first Dutch website to have been online treating subjects as the NWO, conspiracy, UFOs, a.s.o., and offering a meeting place where people who are interested in these subject can share their views.

In our forum you will find many posts in English, and seeing that we wish to be accessible to English speaking visitors, we've especially designed all the site's main pages in English so you can fully enjoy it.

We chose a name for our website and forum that we found appropriate, while it also honors the author David Icke, who has been at the forefront of research in the NWO subject, and still is. His book "The Biggest Secret" can be seen as a major work that has succeeded in bringing awareness to a significant number of people, of some most relevant as well as controversial information about what is really going on behind the scene of major worldevents

We will try as much as possible to present on this site any new developments.

Please share your comments, discussions and notes in the forum.

On the main website's pages you will find a certain number of articles, links and news in English, as well as an occasional article in Dutch, as well as a photoalbum (be sure to check it!).

Hope you like it here :)

For the so called "skeptics": we won't discuss with you.
This is because there is no point in doing so since your only goal is to sink the subjects being treated here, without offering yourself any relevant knowledge, arguments, or research.
So take a hike! (As we say in Dutch: "Opzouten dus"!)

Condemnation without investigation is the highest form of ignorance.
- Albert Einstein.

With knowledge we find TRUTH
With TRUTH we find FREEDOM!

New World Order, Conspiracy, UFOs

"Look, it's real simple. We lie to you and if you don't believe us we lie to you some more and if you still don't believe us we go ahead and do it anyway." "Quite right, George."

An introduction to this site.
By David Icke.

Main Menus.

English/Dutch forum. Discuss subjects related to the NWO, UFOs, ETs, metaphysics, esoterism, the extraordinary, alternative health, alternative science, sacred geometry, god, religion, love, coverups, etc...

The latest news related to the NWO.

The latest news is posted in our forum.

Find a complete overview of recent news topics on the news page.

Many files about the NWO and related subjects.

Last 5 archive items:
Origins of the Bilderberg meetings
Etymological Meaning of Devil
Rebuilding Americas Defenses
Airline mechanic stumbles on chemplane
Chemtrails acknowledged

Photo album
Not to be missed!!

Some examples:

New World Order
Temple Pannetier-Grand Orient, France
Temple Pannetier-Grand Orient, France.
Structure of freemasonry chart
Structure of freemasonry chart.
Pentagon facade virtually intact.
Pentagon facade virtually intact.

UFOs & ETs
USA school raid
Las Vegas 2004.
Chile ET, 2004
Chile ET, 2004.
Roswell Alien prop
Roswell Alien prop

Links to information about the NWO, UFOs, Aliens, Illuminati, ESP / PSI, God, religion, the supernatural, extraordinary, alternative science and technology, sacred geometry, Merkaba, freedom, and much, much more...


If you wish to send in a reaction, an article, or a picture, you can do that by sending an email to (replace "-a-" by "@").

When you're sending in an article or picture that is not your own, then please mention if you can its source (the original URL, author or organization). This is in order to respect copyright rules and the use of material in light of "fair use".

Please, send picture and text files in their original format. Files with extentions like .doc, .rtf, .zip and .tar will not be opened, and will be deleted automatically. Suspicious URLs will not be visited.


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This site contains copyrighted material, the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc.. We believe this constitutes a "fair use" of any such copyrighted material as provided for by French legislation, in the "Code de la propriété intellectuelle" (partie législative), Première partie, LIVRE Ier, TITRE II, Chapitre II, Article L. 122-5, Alinéa 3 (see or ). If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond "fair use", you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

Ce site contient des oeuvres protégées par des droits d'auteur, dont l'utilisation n'a pas dans tous les cas explicitement été permise par le propriétaire de ces droits. Nous rendons ces oeuvres disponibles dans le cadre de nos efforts de faire avancer et progresser la connaissance et compréhension dans les domaines de l'environnement, la politique, les droits de l'homme, l'économie, la démocratie, la science, la justice sociale, etc... Nous estimons que ceci est en parfait accord avec les lois Françaises en vigueur, comme défini dans le "Code de la propriété intellectuelle" (partie législative), Première partie, LIVRE Ier, TITRE II, Chapitre II, Article L. 122-5, Alinéa 3 (voir ou ). Si vous voulez utiliser des oeuvres protegées par des droits d'auteur pour un but personnel qui dépasse le contexte prévu par la loi, vous devez obtenir pour cela une permission du propriétaire de ces droits.

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